ISSN 2029-1132 | eISSN 2424-6042
Dear colleagues - researchers and observers!
I invite you to send manuscripts for the new issue on the most pressing journalistic problems, such as relations between the media and the authorities, the merger of the media and public relations, the influence of journalistic investigations on decision-making, conflicts in the media system, legal regulation of the media system, trends in restricting freedom of the press.
You can also send thematic reviews of books, journalism and films related to media issues. Scientific source studies, reviews of scientific works and events, essays, reports are welcome - we will publish them in a separate section of the journal.
Manuscripts should be sent after registration on the website:
Andrius Vaišnys, prof. dr.
Journalism Research is a diamond open access social science journal publishing original scholarly articles and research papers devoted to all kind of problems in journalism and media studies. The journal also publishes book reviews and the chronicle of academic life. The publishing languages are Lithuanian and English.
Focus and scope. Journalism Research is focused on all types of research, connected to problematical aspects of journalism and media development. It also publishes articles about congruent challenges – propaganda, information warfare, political communication etc. The materials could be focused as on local, as on global problems of mentioned fields.
Publication frequency – open internet issue in progress.
Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian and English.
Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.
Indexed in. BASE, CNKI, CORE, DOAJ, Dimensions, Google Scholar (h5-index 1, g5-index 1), JournalTOCs, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Lituanistika, ROAD, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo
We are member of the Initiative for Open Citations (i4OC) which is a multi-stakeholder project to make scholarly citation data openly available to enable the creation of new and better metrics.
We are members of the The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) which is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers and other interested parties to advocate and promote the unrestricted availability of the abstracts of the world's scholarly publications, particularly journal articles and book chapters, in trusted repositories where they are open and machine-accessible.
The journal is a participant of Open Archives Initiative. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability.
“Journalism Research“/Žurnalistikos tyrimai“ was established in 2008 by the resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University at the initiative of the Head of the Institute of Journalism and Head of the Master's Degree Programme in Journalism, Dr. Andrius Vaišnys. The core of the first editors who helped to prepare the concept were rhetorical theorist Prof. Dr. Regina Koženiauskienė, Professor of the University of Warsaw Dr. Jerzy Olędzki, former Head of the Department of Press Journalism at the Faculty of HistoryVU and press historian Dr. Assoc. Prof. Bronius Raguotis, former Head of the Institute of Journalism of the Faculty of Communication Dr. Marius Lukošiūnas.
– "Journalism Research" is a journal of scientific papers devoted to the nature of journalism, its conflict with the authorities, criteria of professionalism and problems of the status of a journalist, which is necessary for expanding the academic school of journalism research and study. The authors of the journal that will be created, will be challenged to answer any pressing “why” questions, surrounding media transformation; for example, why has investigative journalism declined in Lithuania? So, this will be a field for our future PhD and Master students to publish the first results of their research" — from the speech of dr. A. Vaišnys on December 7, 2007, at a scientific conference on journalism, which was held in the Small Hall of Vilnius University. During the reorganization of the Faculty of Communication — despite the decision to abolish the Institute of Journalism in 2018 — the publication of this VU journal did not cease. The aim of the journal is to expand the field of professional and scientific knowledge about journalism and media in Lithuania and in the world.