eISSN 2029-8935
Focus and scope. The electronic diamond open access research journal Applied Linguistics aims to publish articles of theoretical and empirical research, précis, reviews of books and articles, and academic essays on issues of applied linguistics. The journal welcomes contributions that focus on sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition, language testing, psycholinguistics, multilingualism, language policy and planning, intercultural communication, discourse analysis and pragmatics, lexicography, language for special purposes, forensic linguistics, sign languages and other areas of applied linguistics.
Papers submitted for publication are peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers.
Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian, English, French, Russian and German.
Publication frequency. One volume per year. The journal also accepts proposals for special and thematic issues. Acceptance Rate 40%. Days to First Editorial Decision – 24. Days to Accept – 228.
Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.
Indexed in: BASE, CEEOL, EBSCO, ERIH-PLUS, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, Google Scholar (h-index 5, g-index 7), Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Lituanistika, ROAD, Redalyc, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Scinapse, Sherpa Romeo, Scopus
Scimago Journal & Country Rank
We are member of the Initiative for Open Citations (i4OC) which is a multi-stakeholder project to make scholarly citation data openly available to enable the creation of new and better metrics.
We are members of the The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) which is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers and other interested parties to advocate and promote the unrestricted availability of the abstracts of the world's scholarly publications, particularly journal articles and book chapters, in trusted repositories where they are open and machine-accessible.
The journal is a participant of Open Archives Initiative. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability.
History. The founder of the journal is the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics (LITAKA). The magazine has been published since 2012. Since the very beginning of its existence until the end of 2018, the editor-in-chief of the magazine was Inesa Šeškauskienė. From 2012 to 2015, the secretary of the editorial board was Eglė Gudavičienė, and Justina Urbonaitė took on these responsibilities in 2016. On 1 January 2019, the entire editorial team of the magazine changed. Meilutė Ramonienė became its editor, Jūratė Ruzaitė became the editorial assistant and English-text editor, the secretary of the board is now Kinga Geben, and the Lithuanian text editor is Kristina Jakaitė-Bulbukienė. In 2020 Inga Hilbig joined Kristina as an editor of Lithuanian texts. Since 2020, Vilnius University has become another publisher of the magazine.
Sponsors. Publishing was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania as support for academic associations: project “Development and dissemination of applied linguistics” (Project Financing Agreements: No. S-ACO-17-12, 2017, No S-ACO-18-14, 2018).