Slavistica Vilnensis
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Author Guidelines

The scientific journal Slavistica Vilnensis focuses on the research into various aspects of the Slavic languages, literature and culture. Only original scientific articles are published including book reviews, conferences reports and proceedings.
Papers submitted for publication may not be published or submitted for publication in other sources. They are reviewed by at least two anonymous referees following the double blind refereeing procedure.
Papers should not normally exceed 40.000 printed characters including references, footnotes and abstracts. Reviews and overviews are limited up to 16,000 printed characters.
Manuscripts could be presented in all the Slavic languages, as well as in English, French, German and Lithuanian. If the language of the paper is not the author’s native language, the paper should be proof-read by a native-language specialist.
It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the final version of their paper fully conforms to the following requirements.
The author(s) ensure that their paper is original and no property rights (including copyright or other intellectual property rights) of any third party have been violated. Slavistica Vilnensis follows the policy of screening for plagiarism. The authors will be required to sign a license agreement and an honesty declaration.
Articles published in Slavistica Vilnensis are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
All manuscripts in an electronic version should be sent by Journal article submission Form Template: in two formats: MSWord (*.doc, *.docx) and Portable Document Format (*.pdf). Please check the converted PDF for formatting errors (margins, paragraphing, charts, pictures, etc.). To ensure the anonymity of peer review, the author has to submit two versions of the article: the first must be formatted in accordance with the above requirements, the second must be anonymous, without any attribution (information about the author has to be removed from the Properties section). 
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit the text if necessary by preserving its sense. In cases where minor revisions should be done, the author might be requested to revise the paper before referring to the editor.
The Editorial Board does not consider for publication the articles that do not correspond to the requirements. Please follow the guidelines below while editing your manuscript.

1. Structure and form
Papers submitted for publication should correspond to the general requirements of a research paper and cover the following points: the research question/problem, review of previous researches on the subject, data and methods, research findings/results (evaluated and validated), evidence (documented), conclusions and references. Papers that do not conform to the requirements will be returned to the authors for revision before further processing.
Papers should be printed on A4 paper size with a 1.5 cm margin on the right and 2.5 cm margins on the top, left and bottom; the pages should be enumerated starting with the title page at the top right corner of the page. The authors should use 1.5 spacing between the lines throughout the paper. The font is 12 pt. Times New Roman. Оther fonts used in the article should also be sent by the author. The text should be justified left.

The paper should contain:
(1) the title of the paper (14 pt., Bold) in the language of the article,
(2) the full name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) in the language of the article followed by email, ORCID iD number and research interests at the left margin on separate lines, in this order
Piotr Zbróg
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
The University of Jan Kochanowski in Kielce
Zainteresowania naukowe: składnia, kultura języka, komunikacja językowa.

(3) the abstract (up to 200 words in the language of the article) followed by a list of 5–7 keywords separated by commas,
(4) the title of the paper, abstracts (up to 200 words in the language of the article) and a list of 5–7 keywords in English and Lithuanian (or Russian).

2. The text
The Introduction should contain the aim and objectives of the research, define the subject matter, indicate the scope, methods (and methodology), relevance and (or) novelty of the research.
The main body of the research should be divided into sections. Sections and subsections, if any, should have headings and subheadings.
Conclusions should be formulated separately.
The list of references should be presented in the alphabetical order.
Appendices can be added if necessary.
Figures and tables (12 pt.) should be enumerated and titled separately under the figure/table. The illustrations will be printed black and white, their resolution should not be less than 300 dpi.
Please use the American quoting convention, i.e. single quotation marks for the initial quote and double quotation marks for a quote within a quote. Quotations of under 25 words can be included in single quotation marks in the running text and any punctuation mark follows the closing quotation mark. Block quotations, longer than 25 words, should be set off in a separate paragraph on a new line without any quotation mark. Quotations within the block quotation should have double quotation marks.
Please use italics for foreign words (especially et al.); use bold text for emphasis.
Any foreign words, titles of books, journals, etc., or any language material need to be distinguished in the running text and should be italized without any quotation mark. Quotations of other works that are not separate publications are to be given in quotation marks.
When books or periodicals published in foreign languages are mentioned in the paper, their titles are to be presented in the original language and their translation or abbreviation should be indicated immediately in the text in brackets. All titles in footnotes are to be written in their original language.
A translation of a quotation from scholarly works or a gloss in the running text should immediately follow it in brackets. Quotations from fiction should be written in their original language and their original spelling and punctuation should be preserved, and translation should be provided in footnotes.
Please note the difference between a ‘long hyphen’ (—), a ‘dash’ (–) and a short hyphen (-). A ‘dash’ (–) is preceded and followed by a space in the running text, except in page numbers in references and the main text (e.g. 33–34).
Quotations. Short quoted sections in the running text should be enclosed in double quotation marks “like this” (the original citation is given in round brackets). Use single quotes for special forms, for quotations within quotations, and for glosses and paraphrases of (foreign) words. Quotations longer than three lines (ca. 40 words) should be given in a separate indented paragraph (5pt.) in italics.
Examples (words, phrases, sentences, etc.) are not indented, they are given in italics and enumerated consecutively throughout the article; the numbers (regular) are enclosed in round brackets, e.g.: (1), (2). References for the cited examples should be indicated, translation correspondences of all the language data in a language other than the language of the paper should be given in single commas, e.g.: iti ‘to go’.
Translation and word-by-word glosses are provided for all quotations/examples from languages other than the language of the article. The translation is given in single quotation marks.
Footnotes set in 10 pt. can be used only for brief explanatory remarks and their frequency of occurrence is limited to no longer than 3 lines. They should be enumerated consecutively throughout the text using superscript Arabic numerals.
List of Abbreviations should precede Data sources or References.

3. References in the text
All references should be given at the appropriate point in the text in brackets [author’s name or title of publication, year of publication, page(s) referred to, if relevant], e.g.: [Живов 2005, 17–21]. Different sources of references should be separated by semi-colons [Успенский 1996, 1997; van der Wijk 2005, 108].

4. Reference list
All data sources cited in the text, and only those, should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper in separate sections under the headings Data Sources and References. Each reference entry is given in a separate paragraph; the second line of the paragraph is indented by 10 pt. All lexical words are capitalized only in the Names of Periodicals; only the first word is capitalized in the Titles of books (proper names, etc. are exceptions). Cyrillic titles of articles and books should be transliterated.
Please follow the patterns given below:
КАРАУЛОВ, Ю. Н., 1987. Русский язык и языковая личность. Москва: Наука.
ЖИВОВ, В. М., 1995. Особенности рецепции византийской культуры в Древней Руси, Ricerche slavistiche, 42. 3–48.
НИКОЛЬСКИЙ, Б. М., 1999. “О восьми частях слова”: проблема источников. In ЗАПОЛЬСКАЯ, Н. Н. (ред.). Эволюция грамматической мысли славян: XIVXVIII вв. Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН, 9–33.
АНДРЕЕВ, М., 1985. Законъ соудный людьмъ. In ДИНЕКОВ, П. (ред.). Кирило-Методиевска енциклопедия. Т. 1: А-З. София: Издателство БАН, 711–717.

KARAULOV, YU. N., 1987. Russkij yazyk i yazykovaya lichnost'. Moskva: Nauka.
ZHIVOV, V. M., 1995. Osobennosti recepcii vizantijskoj kul'tury v Drevnej Rusi, Ricerche slavistiche, 42. 3–48.
NIKOL'SKIJ, B. M., 1999. “O vos'mi chastyah slova”: problema istochnikov. In ZAPOL'SKAYA, N. N. (red.). Evolyuciya grammaticheskoj mysli slavyan: XIV–XVIII vv. Moskva: Institut slavyanovedeniya RAN, 9–33.
ANDREEV, M., 1985. Zakon" soudnyj lyud'm". In DINEKOV, P. (red.). Kirilo-Metodievska enciklopediya. T. 1: A-Z. Sofiya: Izdatelstvo BAN, 711–717.

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