Scientific articles shall be subject to the established requirements. An article that fails to observe the requirements shall not be published. In their email, the author should indicate the significance of his/her article, target audience for this article and its novelty.
The following requirements are established for the peer-reviewed scientific articles:
- The articles are submitted via journal platform after registering. The length of the paper is 6-8 pages (with single spaces) or 24 000–32 000 characters.
- Name, workplace e-mail address and phone numbers of author who is considered a contact person shall be indicated at the end of article.
- The journal Mokslas ir praktikapublishes the articles in Lithuanian and/or English languages. Surnames and full names of authors shall be printed in lowercase characters. Author’s DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is indicated. Words in Latin or other languages shall be in italic.
- The following article sections are mandatory:
4.1. Title of the article in Lithuanian and English languages. The title shall contain no abbreviations, and will not exceed 70 characters. Autor(s) name(s) and surname(s) shall be indicated as well as the full name of their institution in Lithuanian and English languages and e-mail addresses of all authors;
4.2. Key words: 3-5 words that should not repeat the title of the article;
4.3. Short abstract not exceed 250 words but no less than 150 words;
4.4. Introduction: short description of relevance and newness of the article;
4.5. Objectives of the article, materials and methods. Statistical methods and statistical data processing methods shall be described in details;
4.6. Results are described in logical sequence, methods shall not be described repeatedly, Data in the text shall not reiterate data presented in tables and figures;
4.7. Discussion shall be specific and related to the results of research and shall not reiterate detailed information presented in the introduction and results;
4.8. Numbered conclusions
4.9. Reference list is composed according to Vancouver system and uniform requirements for the manuscripts presented to biomedical journals. Only sources cited in the article are involved in the reference list. Reference list is presented in font size 10
References are numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance in the text. Source of literature is presented by the font of the same size; its consecutive number is showed in square brackets. When several references are presented, they are separated by comma [1, 2, 4], space is used between commas; when they are presented in sequence, they are separated by hyphen [1-2].
Surnames of authors mentioned in the article are presented in the following way: a) in the text of article: initial letter of the name, then surname: in the reference list: vice versa. It should be noted, that space remains between initial and surname; the initial shall be followed by a dot.
In the reference list, author’s surname is indicated first, after that initial letter(s) of name(s) followed by dot; when there are several authors, their names are separated by commas.
The title of the article is followed by a dot, after that the title of the journal or book is indicated, followed by comma. The name of the publishing house (if indicated) (dot is placed after any abbreviations), is followed by publishing year, volume number separated by comma; abbreviations of year, volume or number or page number are not indicated. Year is followed by semicolon, and volume (number) is followed by colon. Abbreviations of foreign journals are followed by dot. When source of literature possess DOI, its DOI is indicated.
For example:
- Bernstein J. M. Role of allergy in eustachian tube blockage and otitis media with effusion: a review. Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 1996; 114(4):562–568.
- Šatkauskas B. Bronchoskopija: dabartis ir ateitis. Medicina, 1997; 33(6):3–10.
- Mergo P. J., Ros P. R. Benign lesions of the liver. Radiol Clin. N. Amer., 1998; 36(2):319–331.
- Davies S., Stewart A. Egzema, Dermatitis and other Problems of Skin, Hair and Nails. Nutritional Medicine, New York, 1990; 269–282.
- Valantinas J., Buivydienė A., Bernotienė E., Denapienė G. Daugiakamerinė cistinė alveolinio echinokoko (Echinococcus alveolaris) sukelta kepenų infiltracija. Medicinos teorija ir praktika, 1998; (2):81–83.
- Juozapavičienė R., Daujotaitė O. Slaugytojų naktinio darbo įtaka fizinei ir psichosocialinei sveikatai, Sveikatos mokslai, 2019; 29:(6): 160–165.
When a journal is cited, up to six authors are indicated in the author line. When there are more than six authors, the first six authors are indicated followed by abbreviation “et al.”
Sources of literature are listed in the language they were published.
Reference list shall not be long: for a short article (up to 24 000 characters with spaces) not exceeding 10 publications; for a long article (up to 32 000 characters with spaces) not exceeding 40 publications. Majority of cited sources of literature shall be published within the last five years unless older publications are necessary when historical evolution of research is discussed or when there is lack of publications in the discussed area.
4.10. Tables, graphs, and other illustration are inserted into the text or presented on separate pages. Number and title of the table is placed above the table (for example: Table 1. Models of the process of clinical causation). Explanations and abbreviations are presented below the table. Titles of tables and other illustrations are presented in left-aligned italic.
Graphs and other visuals shall be developed using “CorelDraw” or “Microsoft Office Word” software (“MS Excel” and “MS Power Point” could be an option). The consecutive number of the picture and title are indicated below the picture. In the text, consecutive number and title of illustration are presented in parentheses or inserted into the sentence. Images, photographs, etc. shall be submitted in an appropriate format (for example, *.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg) and at least at 300 dpi resolution. Photographs could also be presented.