Vol. 40 (2009): Psichologija

Vol. 40 (2009)

Published 2009-01-01


Rimantas Kočiūnas
Existential approach to group psychotherapy
Abstract views 873
Gintautas Valickas | Viktorija Tarozienė
Antisocial behaviour genesis from the social information processing perspective
Abstract views 941
Lina Kalinauskienė | Danguolė Čekuolienė | Inna Kusakovskaja | Vaida Kiltanavičiūtė
Effects of video-feedback correction of infant–mother interaction on two-years-olds’ behaviour
Abstract views 595
Audronė Liniauskaitė | Antanas Kairys
The Lithuanian version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI)
Abstract views 1335
Aurelija Stelmokienė | Auksė Endriulaitienė
Psychometric properties of Global Transformational Leadership Scale: Lithuanian version
Abstract views 1089