“Lithuanian Athens”. Ludwik Janowski’s versions of the history of Vilnius University
Urszula Kowalczuk
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska
Published 2021-03-02


Ludwik Janowski
Vilnius University
history of culture

How to Cite

Kowalczuk, U. (2021) “‘Lithuanian Athens’. Ludwik Janowski’s versions of the history of Vilnius University”, Vilnius University Open Series, pp. 344–368. doi:10.15388/PZOP.2020.19.


The subject of this article is scientific reflection about the works on the history of Vilnius University had written in the first two decades of the twentieth century by the cultural historian, Ludwik Janowski (1878-1921), who was associated with the scientific community in Kiev and Krakow, and in 1919-1921 he was a professor at The Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. Janowski’s interest on the history of Vilnius University was a kind of a research passion all his life. Though he failed to write a historiographic synthesis that it has been planning. In his works he tried to correct and supplement the research on the history of Vilnius University. His studies and books compose a specific synthesis in fragments, which shows in a multi-variant narrative the most important stages and factors in the development of this great center of science and culture.



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