Logistic Strategy and Organizational Structure in Brazilian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Smes)
Wescley Silva Xavier
Interdisciplinary Center for Logistics Research
Ricardo S. Martins
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Published 2011-12-30


logistic strategies
small and medium-sized enterprises
furniture industry

How to Cite

Xavier, W.S. and Martins, R.S. (2011) “Logistic Strategy and Organizational Structure in Brazilian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Smes)”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2(2), pp. 91–116. doi:10.15388/omee.2011.2.2.14283.


This study evaluates the logistic strategies developed in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as a response to their organizational structures and planning processes. A multiple case study was carried out in the second largest furniture cluster in Brazil. Based on theoretical models, it was found that the characteristics of a company’s organizational structure had an impact on planning. In the case of companies with a low level of family participation, this impact was intentional, whereas in the case of companies with strongly centralized owner control over decision-making, the impact was unplanned. However, the formal nature of planning does not guarantee that logistics will have strategic aims and, in all cases, it has a strictly reactive nature.

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