The Impact of Market-related Factors on the Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode by Service Firms
Tadas Šarapovas
ISM University of Management and Economics
Maik Huettinger
ISM University of Management and Economics
Domas Ričkus
ISM University of Management and Economics
Published 2016-05-31


foreign market entry mode
market-related factors
market attractiveness
demand uncertainty
country risk
legal restrictions
cultural similarity between home and host market

How to Cite

Šarapovas, T., Huettinger, M. and Ričkus, D. (2016) “The Impact of Market-related Factors on the Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode by Service Firms”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 7(1), pp. 34–52. doi:10.15388/omee.2016.7.1.14214.


The topic of internationalization has received an increased amount of attention due to globalization and growing amounts of international trade. One of the most important factors for the success of foreign market operations is the choice of the entry mode. This paper investigates the key determinants for the choice of foreign market entry mode. Specifically, the research examines the effects of market-related factors of the selected entry mode on service companies. This study contributes to the existing knowledge of internationalization of service companies by analyzing market-related factors of entry modes. Moreover, it provides managerial implications that might be applied by companies and governmental agencies to promote investment and internationalization of local companies.

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