Comparative analysis of classical and stochastic Maccari system of nonlinear equations
Muhammad Sajid Iqbal
School of Foundation Studies and Mathematics, OUC
Mustafa Inc
Fırat University
Saba Sohail
Adil Raheem
Pakistan International School
Shabbir Hussain
The University of Lahore
Emad E. Mahmoud
Taif University
Published 2024-02-23


stochastic partial differential equation
Langmuir soliton
MEDA method

How to Cite

Iqbal, M.S. (2024) “Comparative analysis of classical and stochastic Maccari system of nonlinear equations”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 29(2), pp. 365–378. doi:10.15388/namc.2024.29.34669.


In this paper, the exact solutions of classical and stochastic Maccari system is constructed. The exact comparative solutions are examined and plotted. Interesting results in the case of multiplicative noise are formulated and graphically elaborated. The applications of the stochastic Maccari system are added for the physical purpose. The existence of results for the real part of underlying system are discussed first time for a priori estimates. The perturbations, which disturbed the formation of Langmuir waves, are geometrically expressed in this article. Due to the presence of multiplicative noise term, our system brings a real flavor to the dynamics of the problem.

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