Global attracting solutions to Hilfer fractional differential inclusions of Sobolev type with noninstantaneous impulses and nonlocal conditions
JinRong Wang
Guizhou University / Qufu Normal University
Ahmed Gamal Gamal Ibrahim
King Faisal University
Donal O’Regan
National University of Ireland
Published 2019-09-26


Hilfer fractional derivatives
differential inclusions
noninstantaneous impulses
nonlocal conditions
global attracting solutions

How to Cite

Wang, J., Ibrahim, A.G.G. and O’Regan, D. (2019) “Global attracting solutions to Hilfer fractional differential inclusions of Sobolev type with noninstantaneous impulses and nonlocal conditions”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 24(5), pp. 775–803. doi:10.15388/NA.2019.5.6.


In this paper, we establish the existence of decay mild solutions on an unbounded interval of nonlocal fractional semilinear differential inclusions with noninstantaneous impulses and involving the Hilfer derivative. Our argument uses fixed point theorems, semigroup theory, multi-functions and a measure of noncompactness on the space of piecewise weighted continuous functions defined on an unbounded interval. An example is provided to illustrate our results.



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