Multiple sclerosis and neuropsychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Literature review
Review Articles
K. Brasas
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
V. Lileikytė
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
D. Mickevičienė
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Published 2022-03-10


multiple sclerosis
COVID-19 infection
neuropsychological condition
physical activity
virtual therapy

How to Cite

Brasas K, Lileikytė V, Mickevičienė D. Multiple sclerosis and neuropsychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Literature review. NS [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];26(1 (91):5-7. Available from:


Since the spread of COVID-19 infection worldwide in December 2019, quarantine has been initiated to stop human contact and thus limit the spread of the disease. However, a decrease in human contact and visits to doctors has led to another problem in patients with chronic diseases, especially those with multiple sclerosis, such as worsening of neuropsychological status, depression, increased stress levels, insomnia, and decreased physical activity. In this article, we review the scientific work of other authors on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the neuropsychological condition of patients with multiple sclerosis and possible solutions to this problem.



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