About the Journal

Neurologijos seminarai
About the Journal

ISSN 1392-3064 | eISSN 2424-5917

The journal "Neurologijos seminarai" (Eng. Seminars in Neurology) has been the official journal of the Lithuanian Association of Neurologists, the Lithuanian Association of Pediatric Neurologists, and the Lithuanian Society of Neurosurgeons since 1997. Since 2024, it has been published by Vilnius University Press.

Focus and scope. The journal “Neurologijos seminarai” is a peer-reviewed scientific specialized periodical medical journal which presents original research papers, case reports and review articles on the latest advances in etiopathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics, management and prevention of neurological, neurosurgical and adjacent disorders.
It publicizes, as well, articles on medical history and art, case reports on rare or diagnostically complicated clinical events, materials of scientific conferences, other important scientific information.

Publication frequency - three volumes per year.

Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian and English.

Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Indexed in: EBSCO (Academic Search Ultimate), Bibliovigilance, Cabell’s directories of Academic Journals, Dimensions, DOAJ, Google Scholar, ROADScienceGate, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo

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