Antanas Baranauskas’ diary: the history of it’s writing and editing
Tomas Andriukonis
Published 2010-01-01

How to Cite

Andriukonis, T. (2010) “Antanas Baranauskas’ diary: the history of it’s writing and editing”, Literatūra, 52(1), pp. 20–33. doi:10.15388/Litera.2010.1.7714.


The article considers Antanas Baranauskas’s diary – the manuscript of its text and its three publications. During careful examination of the diary making principles there will be brought up an issue of the Baranauskas’s text boundaries – how they are clearly defined, where they (maybe) are, how they have been considered and how they have been built in the di­ary publications. A more careful study of the diary discloses an ambivalent genre of Barnauskas’s text – started as a diary, in the end it looks more like an au­tobiography. Diary’s re-writing can be considered as a separate issue, taking into consideration that it makes more complicated the issue of the text boundaries, also it makes correction in the diary’s reading strategy.


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