About the Journal

About the Journal

ISSN 1648-1143 | eISSN 0258-0802

Focus and scope. Literatūra (Eng. Literature) is an international diamond open access research journal the aim of which is to publish scholarly and critical articles on Lithuanian and World literatures, and the Classics as well as cultural studies, targeted at scholarly and academic community. It appears annually and regularly (4 issues per year). Each issue is numbered and devoted to the specific subject: Lithuanian literature, the Classics, Russian literature, Western literatures. Each issue consists primarily of research papers/articles in full text. 

Publication frequency - four volumes per year.

Languages. The articles are accepted for publication in English, French, German, Lithuanian and Russian. 

Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Sponsors. From 2016 to 2022 publication is funded by the European Social Fund project Publication and Coordination of Scientific Periodicals (together with Lithuanian Academy of Science, project code Nr. 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-01-0004).

Indexed in: BASE, CEEOL, CORE, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, EBSCO (Literary Reference Center Plus, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, TOC Premier), ERIH-PLUS, Gale, Google Scholar (h5-index 3; g5-index 4), HEAL link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), JournalTOCs, Lituanistika, MLA  Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Primo Central (ExLibris), ProQuest, QOAM, ROAD, Redalyc, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo, Ulrichs Web, WorldCat

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

We are member of the Initiative for Open Citations (i4OC) which is a multi-stakeholder project to make scholarly citation data openly available to enable the creation of new and better metrics.
We are members of the The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) which is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers and other interested parties to advocate and promote the unrestricted availability of the abstracts of the world's scholarly publications, particularly journal articles and book chapters, in trusted repositories where they are open and machine-accessible.
The journal is a participant of Open Archives Initiative. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability.

History. The journal has been published since 1958.