About the Journal

Lietuvos chirurgija
About the Journal

ISSN 1392-0995 | eISSN 1648-9942

Focus and scope. The journal Lietuvos chirurgija (Eng. Lithuanian surgery) is an official periodical scientific publication of the Lithuanian Republic. The journal has been designed to meet the need for rapid spreading of new and important information on the theory and practice of surgery and related sciences. The journal provides a rapid publication of original papers that contribute to knowledge in the fields of clinical surgery, experimental surgery and related sciences.

Lietuvos chirurgija (Lithuanian Surgery) is a peer-reviewed diamond open access journal of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons, the Lithuanian Association for Wound Care, the Lithuanian Association for Ambulatory Surgery, the Lithuanian Society of Endoscopists, the Lithuanian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists, the Lithuanian Society of Vascular Surgeons, the Lithuanian Society for Minimal Invasive Surgery, the Lithuanian Society of Neurosurgeons, the Lithuanian Society of Oncologists, the Lithuanian Society of Pathologists, the Lithuanian Society for Hand Surgery and Hand Rehabilitation, the Lithuanian Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedic Surgeons, the Lithuanian Society of Urologists, the Lithuanian Society of Paediatric Surgery, the Lithuanian Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, the Lithuanian Society of Vertebrologists, Vilnius Surgical Society, Kaunas Region Surgical Society, Klaipėda Region Surgical Society, Šiauliai Region Surgical Society, Panevėžys Region Surgical Society.

Publication frequency - three volumes per year. Acceptance Rate 80%. Days to First Editorial Decision – 30. Days to Accept – 120. 

Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian and English.

Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Indexed in: BASE, Cabell’s directories of Academic Journals, EBSCO (Academic Search Complete), CNKI, CORE, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, Google Scholar (h5-index 2; g5-index 4), HEAL link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), Index Copernicus, JournalTOCs, LituanistikaQOAM, Redalyc, ROAD, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo

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