Lietuvių kalba
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Author Guidelines

The journal of linguistics Lietuvių kalba focuses on research into various aspects of language studies as well as the ones addressing cross-linguistic issues. It publishes articles, reviews of books and reports of conferences. Proceedings of conferences are also invited.
Papers submitted for publication should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. They are reviewed by at least two anonymous referees following the double blind refereeing procedure.
All manuscripts in MS Word (*.docx ) format should be uploaded into OJS via Make a Submission.

Structure and form
Papers submitted for publication should correspond to the general requirements of research papers and cover the following points: the research question/problem, review of previous research on the subject, data and methods, research findings/results (evaluated and validated), evidence (documented), conclusions and references. Papers that do not conform to the requirements will be returned to the authors for revision before further processing.
The pages should be numbered beginning with the title page at the top right corner of the page. The authors should use 1.5 spacing between the lines throughout the paper. The font is 12 pt Times New Roman.

The paper should contain:
(1) the title of the paper, 14 pt, bold
(2) the full name(s) in bold and affiliation(s) of the author(s),12 pt. The affiliation should be given in the language of the publication in full, including departments/centres, postal address, authors’ e-mail address (hyperlink should be removed), ORCID and ROR in this order:

Seven stages of Lithuanian dialectology
Vytautas Kardelis
Department of Lithuanian language, Vilnius University

In case if there is more than one author, please provide an explanation at the end of the article detailing each author's contributions according to the CRediT criteria. Reference: CRediT_Taxonomy_Terms_and_Definitions_list

Example: Author contributions
John Jonsered: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing, visualization. Lucy Schneider: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing.

(3) Abstracts
All articles must have an abstract in English and abstract in the language of the article (180-350 words). Abstracts should clearly describe the purpose of the research, data and methodology, the main results and the principal conclusions. The second abstract in Lithuanian or any other language of the journal is optional. Abstracts in languages other than the language of the publication should bear the title (in bold, 12 pt) and the words Abstract / Santrauka.

(4) Keywords: a list of 5–7 key words separated by commas is provided below every abstract in the language of the abstract. For example, articles written in English should have keywords in English.

Quotations. Short quoted sections in the running text should be enclosed in double quotation marks “ ” (the original citation is given in round brackets).

Examples (words, phrases, sentences, etc.) are not indented, they are given in italics and numbered consecutively throughout the article; the numbers (regular) are enclosed in round brackets, e.g.: (1), (2).

Footnotes set in 10 pt can be used only for very brief explanatory remarks and their frequency of occurrence is limited to no longer than 3 lines. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text using superscript Arabic numerals.

They follow the main text of the paper.

List of Abbreviations should precede Data sources or References.
Below the body of the article, the date of its submission for publication should be indicated.

Requirements for bibliography
References included in the manuscript’s reference list should follow reference style of the journal outlined below.

Include the hyperlink, DOI, or another persistent identifier associated with the cited source.

  • citations in the text should include the following in parentheses in the following order: the name(s) of the author, compiler(s) or editor(s), the year followed by a comma and page numbers if applicable; if two or more works are referred to, these should be separated with semicolons as follows: (Gudavičius 2014, 75–86; Mikulėnienė, Morkūnas 2005, 189; Ulvydas et al. 1976, 258);
  • abbreviations can be used for publications, dictionaries and grammars that are cited often; the abbreviation should be followed by a comma and a page number, if applicable (for example, DLKG, 123); Arabic numerals are used to indicate volumes of a multi-volume or ongoing work. Do not use commas before the numeral (LKG 1, 356; LKŽ 19, 1024).

Data sources
DLKT–Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstynas. Prieiga internetu:

Reference list

1. Books
Ambrazas, Vytautas, red. 2005. Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatika, 4 patais. leid. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas.
Gudavičius, Aloyzas. 2000. Etnolingvistika. Šiauliai: Šiaulių universitetas.
Gaivenis, Kazimieras, Stasys Keinys, sud. 1990. Kalbotyros terminų žodynas, Kaunas: Šviesa.
Lyons, John. 1977. Semantics 1-2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Цыхун, Геннадий Афанасьевич. 1978–2010. Этымалагічны слоўнік беларускай мовы. T. I–XIII. Мінск: Навука і тэхніка.

2. Articles and abstracts
Kardelis Vytautas. 2006. Šiaurės rytų vilniškių ploto sociolingvistiniai bruožai. Baltistica XLI (2), 233–243.
Carlson, Greg. 1977. A unified analysis of the English bare plural. Linguistics and Philosophy 1(3), 413–456.
Rutkowska, Krystyna. 2004. Lituanizmy leksykalne w gwarach polskich na obszarze ignalińsko-Jezioroskim. Prace Filologiczne. T. XLIX. 427–436.
Drukteinis, Albinas. 2001. Prielinksninių konstrukcijų su virš taisyklingumo nustatymo kriterijai. Kalbos praktikos problemos 2000: konferencijos pranešimai. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 4–9.
Москвин, Василий Павлович. 2001. Эвфемизмы: системные связи, функции и способы Образования. Вопросы языкознания 3, 58–70.
Čepaitienė, Giedrė, Donata Steigvilaitė-Urbietienė. 2004. Communication of Women and Men on the Phone. Socialiniai mokslai 1 (43), 101–105. Prieiga internetu:
Lakoff, Robin. 1973. Language and Woman's Place, Language in Society 1 (2), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 45-80. Prieiga internetu:
Wiemer, Björn. 2010. On the lexicographic treatment of Lith. esą (From a background of other particles in Lithuanian and elsewhere). In Particles and connectives in Baltic. Nicole Nau & Norbert Ostrowski, eds. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, Asociacija “Academia Salensis”. 171–212.

The European Accessibility Act, which requires e-publications to be accessible to all, including blind and partially sighted individuals, came into force in 2025. We will ensure that the e-files are properly prepared; however, you need to describe the tables and illustrations in your article in a way that a blind person can understand. 

For examples of illustration descriptions, refer to the Guide to Image Descriptions – Place your description under the table or illustration in square brackets [ ] to provide a clear explanation. These descriptions will not be visible in the final version but are essential for language editors and layout artists during production. 

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.