Vol. 80 (2023): Knygotyra

Vol. 80 (2023)

Published 2023-07-18

Front Matter

Aušra Navickienė
Editorial Board and Table of Contents
Abstract views 165 | Article downloads (PDF) 204
Aušra Navickienė
Abstract views 194 | Article downloads (PDF) 164 | Article views (HTML) 8
Aušra Navickienė
Abstract views 140 | Article downloads (PDF) 152 | Article views (HTML) 10


James Raven
Can there be a Biography of a Book?: Comparative Observations on Publications by Francysk Skaryna and Erik Pontoppidan
Abstract views 187 | Article downloads (PDF) 271 | Article views (HTML) 20
Olga Shutova
“And he wept over Jerusalem”: On possible sources of Francysk Skaryna’s engraving of prophet Jeremiah in Bivlia Ruska
Abstract views 132 | Article downloads (PDF) 267 | Article views (HTML) 0
Marina Čistiakova
New Versions of the Sermons from the Pandects of Antiochus in the Church Slavonic Prologue
Abstract views 143 | Article downloads (PDF) 212
Maria Korogodina
The reference apparatus in the bible of Matthew the tenth (1502–1507)
Abstract views 165 | Article downloads (PDF) 210
Dariusz Chemperek
Brest Catechism (1553). The Confesional and Cultural Background of the First Publication of the Printing House in Brest
Abstract views 164 | Article downloads (PDF) 241 | Article views (HTML) 19
Jerzy Ostapczuk
Menologia of cyrillic early printed liturgical tetraevangelia issued in Vilnius
Abstract views 166 | Article downloads (PDF) 236
Wojciech Kordyzon
Production of Vernacular Catechisms in Early Modern Königsberg (1545–1575), Its Dynamics and Goals Defined by the Print Agents
Abstract views 179 | Article downloads (PDF) 226 | Article views (HTML) 35
Grażyna Jurkowlaniec
Repurchased, Ordered, Inherited: The Origins of Woodcut Blocks in the Königsberg Printing House of Hans Daubmann and His Heirs
Abstract views 218 | Article downloads (PDF) 256 | Article views (HTML) 45
Mariya Polimirova
Vilnius Editions from the End of the 16th and the Beginning of the 17th Century in Bulgaria
Abstract views 176 | Article downloads (PDF) 240 | Article views (HTML) 21
Nijolė Bliūdžiuvienė
The Commemorative Activities of Francysk Skaryna in Lithuania 1990–2022
Abstract views 187 | Article downloads (PDF) 227 | Article views (HTML) 30
Ilja Lemeškin
Issues of the Research of The Little Traveller's Book. Polemic Discourse
Abstract views 187 | Article downloads (PDF) 238