The Book-Shop of M. Šlapelienė in Vilnius: Establishment, Organization and Working Order
Aušra Vaičiūnaitė
Published 1993-12-01

How to Cite

Vaičiūnaitė, Aušra. 1993. “The Book-Shop of M. Šlapelienė in Vilnius: Establishment, Organization and Working Order”. Knygotyra 26 (19): 41–50.


The most famous Vilnius book-shop of the beginning of the 20th century was established on the 18th of January 1906. The official owner of the book-shop was M. Šlapelienė. She worked without break during all the time of the book-shop’s existing. The real manager was J. Šlapelis, who managed the commerce of the book-shop. The third owner E. Brazaitytė worked in the book-shop till 1907. The book-shop of M. Šlapelienė was acting without break during 39 years. It was rare case in history of lithuanian book-shops. Wars, national oppression realized by occupation power made the work of the book-shop very difficult. The most harmful were searches that were done by polish occupation power.

The book-shop of M. Šlapelienė was of great cultural importance. During the war (1914) it provided with books and manuals new-established Lithuanian schools. Lithuanian libraries, acting in Lithuania and abroad, received books from this book-shop. The book-shop also had commercial lent library. The work of the book-shop was stopped in 1944, when Soviet government prohibited to hold private commercial institutions.



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