The Soviet Lithuanian library cadres in the years 1940–1941
Klemensas Sinkevičius
Published 1983-12-01

How to Cite

Sinkevičius, Klemensas. 1983. “The Soviet Lithuanian Library Cadres in the Years 1940–1941”. Knygotyra 16 (9-1): 13–24.


After the Soviet rule was restored in Lithuania in the sommer of the year 1940, there began a rapid development of libraries. During the year of Soviet rule the number of the regular library staff has grown 3–4 times. The state and the Party authorities have done a lot work selecting and training new librarians. At the same time there began the preparation of library cadres in the Kaunas Folks-University courses of librarianship and the Chair of bibliology was established in the Vilnius State University. All these works and plans were completely discontinued by the Naci-German agression.



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