The semantics of the Norwegian modal auxiliary verbs
Ugnius Mikučionis
Published 2007-01-01
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How to Cite

Mikučionis, U. (2007) “The semantics of the Norwegian modal auxiliary verbs”, Kalbotyra, 57, pp. 186–195. doi:10.15388/Klbt.2007.7572.


In this paper, I have tried to show that the meanings of Modern Norwegian modal verbs may best be described in terms of gradable scales (clines) both with respect to epistemic and non-epistemic modality.
Epistemic modality deals with the degree of commitment;
Deontic modality – “ – degree of moral desirability;
Dynamic modality – “ – degree of readiness.
The use of such gradable scales (clines) enables us to draw a semantic map which adequately covers the relevant semantic area – and to make some hypotheses about the diachronic development of the meanings of the Norwegian modal verbs.

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