How Lithuanians Distinguish English Consonant Clusters
Marija Strimaitienė
Marytė Tankevičiūtė
Published 1997-12-01

How to Cite

Strimaitienė, M. and Tankevičiūtė, M. (1997) “How Lithuanians Distinguish English Consonant Clusters”, Kalbotyra, 46(1), pp. 97–106. Available at: (Accessed: 17 July 2024).


An auditory experiment was carried out to see whether Lithuanians perceive English consonant dusters not characteristic of Lithuanian. Three groups of auditors took part in the experiment - linguists (students who study French), non-linguists (students who are taught French), and workers. The experiment showed that Lithuanians did not perceive English consonant clusters unusual with Lithuanian. The groups of linguists and non-linguists, however, distinguished them better than the workers. This points to a certain role played by the knowledge of other languages.



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