On Conversion and Inflectional Derivation
Вайдотас Англицкас
Published 1987-12-01

How to Cite

Англицкас, В. (1987) “On Conversion and Inflectional Derivation”, Kalbotyra, 37(3), pp. 4–9. doi:10.15388/Knygotyra.1987.22190.


The study of English and Lithuanian non-affixal deverbal nouns shows that conversion in English and inflectional derivation in Lithuanian are two different ways of word-formation. The creation of a word through conversion involves the formation of a new word stem without using any formal means within the word, the inflection having the only function – that of distinguishing between different words and forms. In Lithuanian a new word may be coined through change of the paradigm, one and the same stem being used for the formation of categorically different words.



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