Poverty Dynamics in Turkey: A Multinomial Logit Model
Senem Çakmak Şahin
Yildiz Technical University
İbrahim Engin Kılıç
Published 2021-10-13


poverty dynamics
chronic poverty
transitory poverty
multinomial logit

How to Cite

Çakmak Şahin, S. and Kılıç, İbrahim E. (2021) “Poverty Dynamics in Turkey: A Multinomial Logit Model”, Ekonomika, 100(2), pp. 133–143. doi:10.15388/Ekon.2021.100.2.6.


The availability of longitudinal data allows researchers to analyse the dynamics of poverty. By using the Turkish Statistical Institute’s (TurkStat) Income and Living Conditions Survey micro dataset, we analyse the households’ long-term monetary poverty conditions. We categorise poverty as transitory and chronic and employ the multinomial logit method to analyse determinants of each types of poverty. Results indicate that education and household size are the most effective factors for reducing transitory poverty, and for chronic poverty, the most effective factors are having a regular job and having a skilled occupation; insurance, home ownership, and number of children are important determinants for both types of poverty.



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Turkish Statistical Institute Income and Living Conditions Micro Dataset 2014-2017.


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