Vol. 48 (2022): Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia

Vol. 48 (2022)

Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia
Published 2022-11-07

Front Matter

Irena Stonkuvienė
Editorial Board and Table of Contents
Abstract views 191 | Article downloads (PDF) 83


Aleksandra Figurek | Giuseppe T. Cirella | Anatoliy G. Goncharuk | Enoch T. Iortyom | Una Vaskovic | Solomon T. Abebe
Textual Analysis of Quality Assurance Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Higher Education Sector
Abstract views 541 | Article downloads (PDF) 193 | Article views (HTML) 26
Iryna Levchyk | Hanna Chaikovska | Oksana Mazur | Zoriana Adamska | Nataliia Zakordonets
The Impact of Metacognitive Reading Strategies on Master Students’ EFL Reading Proficiency and Academic Achievement
Abstract views 425 | Article downloads (PDF) 251 | Article views (HTML) 47
Liudmyla Holubnycha | Tetiana Besarab | Yana Pavlishcheva | Oksana Kadaner | Oksana Khodakovska
E-Learning at the Tertiary Level in and After Pandemic
Abstract views 613 | Article downloads (PDF) 216 | Article views (HTML) 47
Pāvels Pancerko | Anita Pipere | Mārīte Kravale-Pauliņa
Risk and Protective Factors in Choosing Course Sets in Secondary Education: Perspectives of Career Counsellors and Students from the Latgale Region of Latvia
Abstract views 199 | Article downloads (PDF) 136 | Article views (HTML) 36
Manuel Joaquín Fernández González | Svetlana Surikova
School Leaders’ Attitudes, Expectations, and Beliefs Starting a Character Education Training in Latvia
Abstract views 517 | Article downloads (PDF) 207 | Article views (HTML) 33
Gintė Marija Ivanauskienė
Balancing between paidia and ludus: video games in school's teaching and learning process
Abstract views 688 | Article downloads (PDF) 295 | Article views (HTML) 53
Baiba Kaļķe | Sanita Baranova | Līga Āboltiņa
Self-Assessment of the Professional Competence of Preschool Teaching Student
Abstract views 251 | Article downloads (PDF) 186 | Article views (HTML) 28
Julija Melnikova | Aleksandra Batuchina | Gita Šakytė-Statnickė | Gražina Šmitienė
The Benefits of Learning Analytics for Education: An Analysis of the Experiences of Lithuanian General Education School Teachers
Abstract views 316 | Article downloads (PDF) 293 | Article views (HTML) 76
Jogaila Vaitekaitis | Dovilė Stumbrienė
Associations Between Global Competence and Right-Leaning Population: Evidence From PISA 2018 and European Social Survey
Abstract views 234 | Article downloads (PDF) 218 | Article views (HTML) 33
Juozapas Labokas
Transformations of the Contemporary Catholic Education Discourse: A Thematic Analysis of Church Documents
Abstract views 206 | Article downloads (PDF) 200 | Article views (HTML) 49