The Embodiment of Spiritual Values in Teenagers‘ Behaviour
Elvyda Martišauskienė
Published 2004-12-17


spiritual values

How to Cite

Martišauskienė, E. (2004) “The Embodiment of Spiritual Values in Teenagers‘ Behaviour”, Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 13(13), pp. 53–61. doi:10.15388/ActPaed.2004.13.9634.


Spirituality is revealed through the realization of spiritual values in behaviour. The research reveals that teenagers usually are loyal, compassionate, respectful, and having a good sense of humour. However, the empirical manifestations of honesty, sensitivity, dignity, admiration, etc. are indicated more rarely. Therefore, even the most stabilized actions disclose only their fragmentary nature. Most rarely teenagers embody altruism, sanctity and sensitivity to beauty. The classmates value their peers' behaviour similarly, but there appears even a bigger dichotomy: more teenagers, who embody spiritual values, are noted, and the number of those who do not embody these values is even bigger. Consequently, an unfavourable, fragmentary space is formed for the internalization of spiritual values. Only a third of teenagers claim that their behaviour is independent. Most frequently it is associated with wisdom, honesty and responsibility. The spiritual values, on which teenagers' actions are grounded, are interconnected. However, there stand out the sense of humour and creativity, which have no deeper links with the values of morality and faith. This way, the prerequisites for the appearance of interrelationship and self-expression problems are formed. The internalization of spiritual values on the behavioural plane has deep connections with the internalization planes of cognitive and emotional values. Therefore, a positive pedagogical assistance is possible only having in mind the peculiarities of all the components.


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