Critical Attitude of the Representatives of the Active School Towards Herbart’s School
Stasė Valatkienė
Published 1991-12-20


active school
traditional pedagogy
Johann Friedrich Herbart
John Dewey

How to Cite

Valatkienė, S. (1991) “Critical Attitude of the Representatives of the Active School Towards Herbart’s School”, Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 1, pp. 77–85. doi:10.15388/ActPaed.1991.01.9349.


The educational theory and the school of the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century could not satisfy the new demands of life. This school has been increasingly criticized for its detachment from life, and the disregard to the nature and interests of the child. Many reformist currents and theories appeared: work, activity school, pedagogy of action, experimental, personality, pragmatist, aesthetic education and so on. While each had their own positions, all of them devoted considerable attention to the child, its nature and interests. Many of these trends have been summoned under the so-called Active school. The article delves into the ideas of the representative of traditional pedagogy Johann Friedrich Herbart and the representative of active pedagogy John Dewey. It is noted that although the theory of Herbart has been heavily criticized by the representatives of active school, however, individual statements of this theory have unintentionally and without understanding penetrated into the most critical theories themselves. The effect of the classical theory of is felt in almost entire theory of the active school. True, when applying the theory in practice, this influence nearly disappears.


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