Author Guidelines
The journal publishes papers written in Lithuanian or English.
The length of the contributions is not to exceed one quire (approx. 40 000 characters). Manuscripts reporting original research related to education should include: background and context and/or theoretical/conceptual framework, literature review, methods, findings and analysis, and discussion sections. The literature review should be relevant to the research topic and findings. All methodologies need to be clearly described and should match the research questions or stated the purpose of the manuscript.
The findings should be clear and the arguments set forth should emerge from the analysis of the data presented in the manuscript.
Considering the above mentioned, the material in the manuscript has to be presented in the following order:
Title of the article.
Author(s) name, surname, research title, affiliations and addresses, e-mail address.
Abstract in the original language of the paper (approx. 500 characters) and keywords (4–6 words).
Introduction of the paper, analysing the relevance of the issue in question as of research problem and substantiating formulations of base components (object and aim) of research into the analysed problem.
Content of the paper (with its structural parts answering the objectives of the paper). Illustrations, tables, charts, graphics and other material should be presented genuine, in a good quality and without the prejudice to the copyrights.
Discussion and conclusions
List of references and citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA style,
Referring to other authors in the text, references to concrete sources should be also provided, with the date of publication in the brackets, following the name of the author (Author, 2015). Moreover, when a reference to the source of 2 authors is mentioned, the names of both are to be provided in the brackets. In case, the reference is made to 3–5 authors, the first time the names of all the authors have to be included; then, only the first author should be mentioned followed by ‘et al’. If a source has been written by 6 authors, only the name of the first one is mentioned adding ‘et al’ in all the cases of reference. Provided the source has no authors, the title of it and the year of publication are to be indicated in the text.
Providing an exact quotation from the source by another author, it is necessary to point out the page number (Author, 2015, p. 18). Referring to different publication by the same author published in the same year, the letters a, b, c, etc. have to follow the year of publication.
Examples of the list of references:
An article in a journal: Author, A. A.; Author, B. B.; Author, C. C. (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of periodical, Volume Number, pages.
Book: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
A book by an organization or a group of authors: Organization. (Year of Publication). Title of Publication. Location: Publisher.
A chapter in an edited book: Author, A. A.; Author, B. B. (Year of Publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.
Publication of a conference presentation in conference material: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of article.
In Title of Material (pages). Location: Publisher. An online book: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Retrieved month, day, year, from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
An online journal article: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of periodical, Volume Number, pages. Retrieved month, day, year, from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A web page: Title of web page. (Year of Publication). Title of publication. Retrieved month, day, year, from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Electronic copy of a journal article, retrieved from the database: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of periodical, Volume Number, pages. Retrieved month, day, year, from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work (numeration is not needed). The sources in non-Latin alphabet languages are to be transliterated.
Summary of the paper (at least 1600 characters) in English.
Manuscripts have to include a separate section with data on the author(s). Next, to the full name, research title and degree, institution address and title of the position, research interests should be presented.
The metrics of the paper has to provide the date of its submission to the Editorial Board. The articles of the publication are freely accessed through the website of the university and are included in Lithuanian and foreign databases. The papers on the website of the university are only to be used for research purposes, studies and self-education. The quoting of information, referencing the author (authors) and providing the source of information are all obligatory.
The procedure of Submission and Peer-Review. All authors are requested to provide on a separate sheet the following personal data: full name, academic degree and title, name and address of the institution, phone number, fax number and e-mail address, main research interests.
The manuscript must be submitted to the Editorial board by e-mail (file in MS Word format). Authors of the paper should also indicate the date of submission.
Submissions should be accompanied by a letter which declares that the paper is original, i.e. has not been published previously and is not submitted for publication in any other journal or book.
Every paper is evaluated by to referees chosen by the Editorial board. Referees receive versions without information about the author. Reviews are then presented to the authors (without revealing the names of the referees) and, if the reviews are favourable, the authors are expected to revise the papers according to the suggestions and to provide a written explanation of how the suggestions were taken into account. Editorial board, having received the revised papers and written responses to reviews, if needed, may request the referees to evaluate the papers one more time, before making the final decision to publish the paper.
The manuscripts that are not properly prepared are not returned, and their authors are informed by e-mail.
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