Central limit theorem in the symmetric group
Vytas Zacharovas
Vilnius University
Published 1999-12-17

How to Cite

Zacharovas, V. (1999) “Central limit theorem in the symmetric group”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 39(III), pp. 117–122 . doi:10.15388/LMR.1999.35489.


In this work we investigate a rate of convergence of sums of random variables defined on a symetric group Sn, when the probability measure on Sn is defined by the Ewens sampling formula with parameter θ. Using the results obtained by E. Manstavičius in paper [1] for the case when θ = 1, we obtain their analogs, when θ > 1, thus estimating the closenes of distribution of h(σ) to normal distribution.

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