Competitive two person zero-sum game with linear increment function
Jolanta Dranseikienė
Vilnius University
Daina Sūdžiūtė
Vilnius University
Published 2000-12-18

How to Cite

Dranseikienė, J. and Sūdžiūtė, D. (2000) “Competitive two person zero-sum game with linear increment function”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 40(spec.), pp. 313–319 . doi:10.15388/LMR.2000.35169.


We analyze the competition of two firms with increment function of the first firm c(x) = kx +1 an analogue to that in [1] with the increment c = 1.
The optimal strategies X*, Y* and the value v of the game in explicit form are obtained, their parameters a, α, C0, C1 being the solutions of the equation system.
The values of the game parameters for various k are presented in graphic form.

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