The efficiency of enabling to study mathematics module for first year students
Vilija Dabrišienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Regina Dalytė Šileikienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Published 2004-12-17


higher mathematics teaching

How to Cite

Dabrišienė, V. and Šileikienė, R.D. (2004) “The efficiency of enabling to study mathematics module for first year students”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 44(spec.), pp. 420–425. doi:10.15388/LMR.2004.31964.


The practice and research shows, that usual student, who is taking studies in KTU can't study higher mathematics successfully, because he hasn't necessary knowledge and skills. It is necessary to create study­ing environments, where the student can prepare for studies, if he wishes. One of these ways is the enabling to study mathematics module, which was introduced in KTU. The efficiency of this module was the object of our research. The results of research are presented in this article.

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