holomorphic function univalent function the divided difference estimations of coefficients
How to Cite
Kirjackis, E. (2007) “On estimations of the Taylor coefficients of functions from the class Kn(E)”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 47(spec.), pp. 113–118. doi:10.15388/LMR.2007.25247.
On estimations of the Taylor coefficients of functions from the class Kn(E)
In the article the estimations of the Taylor coefficients of functions from class Kn(E), formed by holomorphic in unit circle E = {|z| <1} functions F(z), F(0) = F(1)(0)= . . .= F(n−1)(0)= 0, F(n)(0) =n!, which have nonvanishing n-th are given.