On measure concentration in graph products
Matas Šileikis
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Published 2009-12-20


graph product
discrete isoperimetric inequalities
concentration of measure
sums of independent random variables
tail probabilities
large deviations

How to Cite

Šileikis , M. (2009) “On measure concentration in graph products”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 50(proc. LMS), pp. 443–448. doi:10.15388/LMR.2009.78.


Bollobás and Leader [1] showed that among the n-fold products of connected graphs of order k the one with minimal t-boundary is the grid graph. Given any product graph G and a set A of its vertices that contains at least half of V (G), the number of vertices at a distance at least t from A decays (as t grows) at a rate dominated by P(X1 + . . . + X\geq   t) where Xi are some simple i.i.d. random variables. Bollobás and Leader used the moment generating function to get an exponentialbound for this probability. We insert a missing factor in the estimate by using a somewhat more subtle technique (cf. [3]).



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