The solution of the equation of minimal surface by finite-difference method
A. Agalcev
Kiev Civil Engineering Institute
M. Sapagovas
Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Lithuanian SSR
Published 1967-09-15

How to Cite

Agalcev, A. and Sapagovas, M. (1967) “The solution of the equation of minimal surface by finite-difference method”, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 7(3), pp. 373–379. doi:10.15388/LMJ.1967.19976.


The abstracts (in two languages) can be found in the pdf file of the article.

Original author name(s) and title in Russian and Lithuanian:

А. В. Агальцев, М. П. Сапаговас. Решение уравнения минимальной поверхности методом конечных разностей

A. Agalcevas, M. Sapagovas. Minimalaus paviršiaus lygties sprendimas baigtinių skirtumų metodu



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