Ekonomikos globalizacija, tarptautiniø prekybiniø ir gamybiniø santykiø plëtra kasdien kelia vis didesnius kokybës reikalavimus. Rinkos dalyviai, reaguodami á ðiuos pokyèius, ieðko bûdø ne tik uþtikrinti, bet ir virðyti ðiuos reikalavimus. Organizacijos yra nevarþomos pasirinkti, kaip siekti kokybës – diegti ISO 9000 serijos standartus ar taikyti visuotinës kokybës vadybos nuostatas. Visuotinë kokybës vadyba vertinama kaip viena efektyviausiø organizacijos valdymo formø, o ISO 9000 serijos standartø populiarumà lemia operacinio organizacijos lygmens optimizavimo galimybës ir tarptautiniu mastu pripaþástamas sertifikatas, liudijantis organizacijos pastangas siekti kokybës. Taèiau ISO 9000 standartai daþnai yra ir kritikuojami – esà jie lemia biurokratijos apraiðkas, bet ne tobulëjimà. Kritikà ðiuo aspektu skatina ir tai, kad visuotinës kokybës vadybos teorija nereglamentuoja dokumentacijos bûtinumo. Ðio straipsnio tikslas – ávertinti, ar kokybës vadybos poþiûriu dokumentai kuria pridedamàjà vertæ ar yra tik savitikslë, á sertifikato ágijimà orientuota veikla*.
Documents – an inherent element of the quality management system
Lina Markevičiūtė
Every day the globalization of economics, the expansion of international trade and production relations are raising the requirements of higher quality. Reacting to these changes, the participants of the market are looking for the ways not only to ensure but also to transcend these requirements. Organizations are free to choose how to reach the quality – to instill the ISO 9000 series standards or to apply Total Quality Management regulations. Total Quality Management is estimated as one of the most efficient forms of organization management, and the popularity of ISO 9000 series standards is conditioned by the optimization possibilities of organization operating level and the internationally recognized certificate which proclaims the organization attempts to reach the quality. However, ISO 9000 standards are often criticized – purportedly they determine the manifestation of bureaucracy but not the improvement. Criticism on this aspect is fostered by the fact that the theory of general quality management does not regulate the necessity of documentation. The aim of the article is to assess whether the documents, from the quality management viewpoint, generate this surplus value or are only selfobjective activity towards obtaining the certificate.