Straipsnyje nagrinėjami programavimo mokymo ypatumai, apžvelgiamos svarbiausios programavimo mokymo ir mokymosi tyrimo tendencijos pasaulyje, išskiriamos problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir daugiamete Jaunųjų programuotojų mokyklos patirtimi, nagrinėjamos programavimo mokymosi sunkumo priežastys: programavimo srities specifiškumas, mokymosi būdų ir metodų parinkimas, mokinių gebėjimai ir nuostatos, psichologinis motyvuotumas. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama programavimo kalbų ir aplinkos, tinkamos mokytis programavimo, kriterijams aptarti. Remiamasi fundamentaliais šios srities mokslininkų darbais, jie sisteminami, išskiriamos ir apibendrinamos esminės idėjos. Gilinamasi į programavimo mokymuisi tinkamų kalbų sintaksės ir semantikos ypatumus: patirtis rodo, kad pirmosios kalbos sintaksė daro didelį poveikį tolesniam mokymuisi, formuoja pažangią mąstyseną.
Pagrindiniai žodžiai: programavimo mokymasis, programavimo kalbos, programavimo aplinka, sintaksė, programavimo kalbų kriterijai, Bloomo taksonomija, SOLO taksonomija.
Learning Programming: Comparative Analysis of Languages and Environments
Valentina Dagienė, Jūratė Urbonienė
Developing the abilities to master modern technologies and skills for solving problems is among the most important capabilities of an educated future citizen of any society. Problem solving based on the learning of programming is a very important part in understanding the information technologies.
The question which language (together with environment) should be used in introductory programming has been discussed for many years. Several studies on the benefits of a certain language or comparisons between two languages have been conducted, but there is still a lack of systematic overviews of teaching and learning programming.
The paper discusses the features of programming teaching, the most important research trends in programming education over the world, identifies the problems and their solutions. Based on literature review and multiyear experience in the Young Programmers’ School, the paper deals with programming teaching difficulties, especially with the selection of programming languages, learning and teaching methods, developing students’ skills and attitudes, psychological motivation. Investigations show that the first language syntax has a significant impact on the further learning and develops a certain mindset.
The paper discusses a list of criteria based on an analyzis of research works all over the world. The criteria are used to compare some programming languages used at introductory programming courses. It focuses on the programming language suitable to start learning programming. Based on fundamental research works in thes area, the related criteria are organized, the key ideas are identified and summarized.
The commonly accepted cognitive skills, Bloom’s taxonomy as well as the SOLO taxonomy and their application in teaching programming are discussed.