Human capital development in Belarus via in-house investment
Information and Knowledge Management
Nataliya Makovskaya
Published 2016-11-15


in-house training
human capital investment
efficiency of economic activities
the effectiveness of investment

How to Cite

Makovskaya, N. (2016). Human capital development in Belarus via in-house investment. Information & Media, 75, 128-139.


The subject of this research is the process of organising in-house training of employees and the efficiency of in-house investment in its framework. The purpose of the study is to determine the specificity of the organisation of in-house training in order to increase the efficiency of in-house investment of human capital resources in Belarus. The article presents a comparative analysis of approaches to the organisation of in-house training of employees in Russia and Belarus. The analysis was performed in the directions of identity assess the structure, objectives, principles and objectives of the in-house training of staff. It is possible to reveal the specifics of the institutional features and in-house training of employees in enterprises of Russia and Belarus, to evaluate innovative tools of in-house training for different categories of staff, taking into account the age and length of service.



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