A Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Front Matter
Rimantas Jankauskas
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Published 2020-12-23



How to Cite

Jankauskas R. A Message from the Editor-in-Chief. AML [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];27(2):45. Available from: https://www.journals.vu.lt/AML/article/view/21932


A Message from the Editor-in-Chief

This issue of Acta medica Lituanica is the result of further evolution: from now on, our journal is being published by the Vilnius University Press. Probably you noted changed design, but most changes are within the system of submission and publishing. All they serve the main goal – wider and more effective dissemination of knowledge.

Vilnius University Press is the academic community owned publishing platform – it means that academics play a key role in dissemination of results of their research. This enables also more effective implementation of academic freedom, more innovations, more transparency. Finally, it also means more Open Science. Publications in our journal are and will be freely accessible and free of article processing charges.

This is already the second issue that was formed at the time of extreme challenges for biomedical community due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us found ourselves at the frontline dealing with this critical situation and fulfilling our duty to society. This issue starts with a review paper dedicated to the problem No.1; some more are under review. Another paper is dealing with professional burnout – not a minor problem for health professionals nowadays. Other research papers and case studies remind us about life before and (let’s hope) after the pandemic.

Finally, I want to thank our reviewers who sacrificed their time evaluating manuscripts:

Sigita Aidietienė
Vidmantas Alekna
Karolis Ažukaitis
Valdas Banys
Aušra Beržanskytė
Žana Bumbulienė
Jolanta Dadonienė
Gytė Damulevičienė
Edvardas Danila
Audrius Dulskas
Milda Endzinienė
Eglė Ereminienė
Žymantas Jagelavičius
Ligita Jančorienė
Ričardas Janilionis
Augustina Jankauskienė
Dalius Jatužis
Tomas Kačergius
Vytautas Kasiulevičius
Jacek Kubica
Vaidutis Kučinskas
Zita Kučinskienė
Limas Kupčinskas
Sigita Lesinskienė
Mieczyslaw Litwin
Rūta Mameniškienė
Rūta Nadišauskienė
Alvydas Navickas
Janina Petkevičienė
Narūnas Porvaneckas
Tomas Poškus
Dainius Pūras
Rūta Sargautytė
Jūratė Šipylaitė
Povilas Sladkevičius
Eugenijus Stratilatovas
Arūnas Strumila
Rasa Strupaitė-Šileikienė
Virgilijus Tarutis
Vytautas Tutkus
Albertas Ulys
Vincas Urbonas
Algirdas Utkus
Birutė Vaišnytė

Prof. Dr Rimantas Jankauskas,
Acta medica Lituanica

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