Lietuvos istorijos studijos

Lietuvos istorijos studijos

ISSN 1392-0448 | eISSN 1648-9101

Focus and scope. Lietuvos istorijos studijos (Eng. Studies of Lithuania's History) is diamond open access a periodical publication issued by the historians of Vilnius university. The periodical publishes information on the latest research conducted by history researchers; it also provides information which once faded into oblivion and was discovered anew, such as historical documents, memoirs and writings by historians of the former epochs. The journal covers topics of sociocultural and political history, cultural anthropology, heritage conservation and archaeology.

The journal also publishes scientific articles and lectures by foreign historians, the aim of which is to investigate the past of the Lithuanian nation and its historical development. Besides, the periodical carries introductions and reviews on the latest scientific research on Lithuania, conducted both in in our country and elsewhere; it publishes the chronicle of the academic life at Vilnius university and of the academic activities of relations.

Attempts are undertaken to embrace the whole entirety of Lithuania’s history and culture in Lietuvos istorijos studijos. The periodical focuses on such issues, as the development of Lithuania’s statehood, material and spiritual culture, as well as interaction between Lithuania and other countries. Lithuania’s position in the world civilization is reflected upon. Furthermore, the publication sheds light on various discussions, a wide range of opinions and evaluations, as well as unique insights.

The periodical Lietuvos istorijos studijos provides relevant scientific and cognitive information to all those interested in the past and the present times of the Lithuanian nation, emigraton, the history of the relations between the emigrees and their native country, general issues of civilization, the development of civilization culture, international relations, etc. The publication presents a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the latest publications by prominent researchers of Lithuanian history and the development of historical thought in Lithuania.

Publication frequency - two volumes per year.

Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian and English. Acceptance rate: 63%. One month to the first editorial decision. Three months to acceptance.

Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Indexed in. BASE, CEEOL, CNKI, CORE, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate), EBSCO, Google Scholar (h5-index 3; g5-index 4), HEAL link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), JournalTOCs, LituanistikaQOAM, ROAD, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo

Web of Science       

2023 Journal Impact Factor 0.1 | Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) 0.19
JIF Rank 450/518, Q4, 13.2 percentile (History)
5 Year Impact Factor N/A


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 SCImago Journal & Country Rank

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We are members of the The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) which is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers and other interested parties to advocate and promote the unrestricted availability of the abstracts of the world's scholarly publications, particularly journal articles and book chapters, in trusted repositories where they are open and machine-accessible.
The journal is a participant of Open Archives Initiative. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability.

Sponsors. In 2022-2024 publication is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania according to The National Lithuanian studies development programme (Agreement Nr. S-LIP-22-2) and Vilnius University.

2019 – 2021 publishing is funded by the State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Program for 2016-2024 administered by the Research Council of Lithuania.

Association of European University Presses
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Lietuvos akademinių leidyklų asociacija